What do you try in a Vietnamese restaurant? The Pho of course! The V17 was advertised as "A special combination of rare steak, well-done flank, brisket, tendon, and tripe" served with bean sprouts, mint and a green chili pepper as condiments.
The green chili pepper with the condiments was absent as was the tendon and tripe. The soup itself was good but could have been a bit richer and the amount of meat that was actually present was enough. The noodles were fine and plenty. When I brought up the absence of meats with the waitress she just said that we don't have tendon anymore and they probably just forgot the tripe and that was it. They certainly lost me as a customer after this. If you don't have something, cross it out on the menu, I expect to get what's listed.
The interior is a bit spartan to say the least and it was a hot day and no A/C. I saw reviews complaining about icy drafts in the winter when the door was opened and I can see that since there is no foyer.
12/27/13. Update. This place is closed and I'm not surprised.

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