Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sichuan Gourmet Billerica

I'm continuing to have my Sunday lunches at Sichuan Gourmet in Billerica, and are working my way through the Chef's New Specials menu. It was also a gorgeous day for a ride.

No apps today, I just blindly ordered the Gan Gu Beef ($16.95) from the specials menu. This turned out to be very similar to the Chengdu Street B.B.Q., except this one had beef and tofu in it. It was marked as three peppers on the menu, but come out as about two, very spicy but not deadly. The beef you see is just about all the beef I got, and I thought that this was a bit skimpy, and not too happy about that. Otherwise, it was a delightful dish, and I enjoyed it. The squares you see is actually potatoes, and there is some magic going on here that I'm not privy to. The potatoes are still crispy without being undercooked and had a really nice texture, but look how thin they are, they should just crumble or taste of undercooked potatoes, but they were delicious.

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